Info about the New shop
This webside is complete new - so please register again. Thank you.
Every single data from the old shop are deleted according to data protection regulations.
Delivery time of all parts was set to 7 days. Available parts will be shipped faster if it is possible, cause after receiving the payment we will start the processing time.
In stock Button is GREEN
But I can't have everything in stock. Not in stock Button is RED (means that I am waiting for that order or have to order it first from suppliers)
Difficulties with ordering? Please CALL ME
Difficulties with unsuitable products? CALL ME
Difficulties with sending back? CALL ME
Difficulties with installation of parts? CALL ME
Does something have to be shipped quickly? Please add a note when ordering. And Call me
Best time to call me: Weekdays between 17:00 und 18:00. Saturdays between 13:00 - 14:00.
Number of Business Cell Phone: 0049 174 / 4620200
All spare parts and accessories offered by me are professionally photographed in my own photo studio and are protected by copyright.